Sunday 31 July 2011


Mind can have peace only when it merges in the Absolute Consciousness, Primal Cause and the Unchanging Existence.

Mind has no physical form and so it does not perish with the body; only the body perishes.

Mind is a wonder.

It has no distinct form or shape.

Mind prompts man to seek happiness and avoid misery.

Mind is but a bundle of thoughts, a complex of wants and wishes.

Purification of the mind is attained through humility, integrity and a sense of justice.

Mind is like a clear mirror but it is made impure by our desires.

Mind is the overall instrument which controls and directs the senses.

It is the mind that builds up the body strong and shiny or wastes it to skin and bone. Mind has to be developed to savour the good and the godly, not for money and material gains.

It is only by means of purity of mind can you come close to the Lord.


Before marriage, he is half body. Before marriage, she is half body. Lady is always left side. Right side is gent's. The gent's body is always the right side of the wife. Now you have only one body. In Indian philosophy or custom, this is called ardhangi. (Ardha means half.) Wife before marriage is only ardhangi, half body. Now the left side is joined with the right side and you are full body.

Men should try to understand women, and women should try to understand men. It is the harmony, peace and mutual love between men and women that brings happiness and peace to the family. People want happiness in the family, but they do not lead exemplary lives. The fault lies with both the husband and the wife.

Women should take the correct path then men will follow suit, as it is the women who have to take the leading role. The wife is half of the husband; if she becomes good, then her husband, who is the other half, will also become good.

Love is life for man and love is everything in this world. It is love that shines brilliantly in every individual. But man, not being able to comprehend the significance of love attributes physical relationship to it. The love of a mother towards her child is affection. The love that exists between wife and husband is infatuation. The love that exists among friends and relations is attachment. The love towards material objects is desire. Love in totality, directed towards God is known as devotion.

Marriage means your whole life, a whole lifetime together, not just a few days, or a few weeks, or a few years.


Man today has no purity in his heart, no sanity in his emotions, no love in his deeds, no God in his prayers.

Man today is trying to master every kind of knowledge but is unable to discover his own true nature.

Man undergoes enormous trouble to guard his wealth but does not spend an iota of energy to guard his inner consciousness.

Men seek the causes for death but no one seeks the Divine source of life.

God equals man minus ego.


Love as thought is Truth,
Love as action is Righteous Conduct,
Love as feeling is Peace,
Love as understanding is Non-violence.
Love is selflessness,
Selfishness is Lovelessness.
Love gives and forgives,
Selfishness gets and forgets.

God is love, live in love.

Love alone can win it,
Love that needs no requital,
Love that knows no bargaining,
Love that is paid gladly as tribute to all living,
Love that is unwavering.
Love alone can overcome obstacles, however many and mighty.

Love as Thought is Truth.
Love as Action is Right Conduct.
Love as Understanding is Peace.
Love as Feeling is Non-violence.

Life is Love, enjoy it;
Life is Challenge, meet it;
Life is a Song, sing it;
Life is a Dream, realize it;
Life is a Game, play it;
Life is a Goal. achieve it.

Start the Day with Love;
Spend the Day with Love;
Fill the Day with Love;
End the Day with Love;
This is the way to God.

Duty without love is deplorable.
Duty with love is desirable.
Love without duty is Divine.

Live together, revere each other, let not the seeds of envy and hate grow and choke the clear stream of Love.

There is only one royal road for the spiritual journey...Love Be Silent yourself, that will induce Silence in others.

Love all men without distinction, Know that mankind is a single community.

Ego lives by getting and forgetting;
Love lives by giving and forgiving;
Love is expansion;
Self is contraction;
Self is lovelessness;
Love is selflessness.

Man loves because he is Love. He seeks Joy, for he is Joy. He thirsts for God; for he is composed of God and he cannot exist without Him.

Where there is Faith, there is Love;
Where there is Love, there is Peace;
Where there is Peace, there is Truth;
Where there is Truth, there is God;
Where there is God, there is Bliss.

A man who has no love in him is as barren as a cloud with no moisture, a tree with no fruits or a cow yielding no milk; he is ever far from God and can never earn His Grace.

Practice the vocabulary of love; unlearn the language of hate and contempt.

Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker. Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love.

Love is giving and forgiving; selfishness is getting and forgetting.

Love all; serve all.

Love is a bridge over the sea of change. Do not build a house on it.

See with the eyes of love

Hear with the ears of love,

Work with the hands of love,

Thinks thoughts of love

Feel love in every nerve.

If you do not love other human beings

That means you do not love God.

There is no God other than love.

Love is your life, your friend, your relative, your food and your everything. Heart that is filled with love can never be polluted. Love is nectarine. Once you fill it in your heart, the poison of evil will have no place in it.

Love in thought is truth.
Love in action is right conduct.
Love is understanding, is peace.
Love in feeling is non-violence.
Love is a bridge over the sea of change.
 Do not build a house on it.


Life is: Loving Listening Lifting Learning Living Thinking, discriminating and practice - all three constitute the basic human characteristics.

Life is a challenge, meet it !
Life is a dream, realize it !
Life is a game, play it !
Life is Love, enjoy it !

There is no strength more effective than Purity,
no Bliss more satisfying than Love,
no joy more restoring than Bhakti,
no triumph more praiseworthy than surrender.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Human Values

Truth, righteousness, peace and love — these are the four pillars on which the mansion of happiness is built.

Sathya is what I teach
Dharma is the way I live
Shanti is the mark of my personality
Prema is my very nature.

When lust envelopes the heart of man,

Truth, Justice, compassion and peace flee from it.

The cultivation of Human Values alone is Education.

Cultivate the heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. This crop has to be raised in your heart and should be shared with others.

Everyone has Love towards some thing or other, and that Love is a spark of the Divine; everyone has ultimately to base his life on some one Truth; that Truth is God.

Our life is like a block of ice which is melting away every moment. Before it spends itself, devote it to the service of others. Education in Human Values is designed to prepare everyone for this life of dedicated service.

So long as man is capable of Prema, Dharma will exist, do not doubt it. When that Prema is fixed on the Lord, your mental make-up will slowly and steadily undergo a revolutionary change; then, man will share in the sorrows and joys of his fellow-beings; thereafter he contacts the very source of the Bliss that is beyond the temporary gains and losses of this world.

The cultivation of Human Values alone is Education.

Wherever Sathya [Truth], Dharma [Righteousness], Santhi [Peace] and Prema [Love] are emphasised, in whatever religion or language, there we have Sanathana Dharma [the Eternal Gospel].

Whoever tries to understand the Human Values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.

You may have the best vegetables, you may be the most capable cook, but, if the copper vessel in which you prepare the vegetable soup is not tinned, the concretion you cook will be highly poisonous! So ‘tin’ your heart with truth, right conduct, peace and divine love; it will then become a vesssel fit for repeating holy name or symbols, meditation, religious vows, pilgrimage, ritualistic worship and the other dishes that you prepare in it.

Whatever happens, the path of virtue should not be given up.

An empty iron box gets valued when it contains jewels; the body is honoured when it contains the jewel of consciousness and the valuables called virtues. Life has to be lived through, for the sake of the chance to unfold the virtues. Otherwise, man is a burden upon the earth, a consumer of food. When fire rages, you try to put it out by throwing sand or water, and you keep a stock of these in readiness. But, you have six fires raging inside you - lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and hatred. What have you in store to put them out? Keep ready Sathya, shaanthi, dharma and prema. They will help you scotch the flames; they are effective extinguishers.

Man’s sense of values is so degraded that he does not revere the Geetha, as much as he values and scans the pages of the daily newspaper. This is to be attributed to sheer ignorance and perversity, or pitiable fate.

The fear and anxiety that infect humanity today are the results of this degradation of values, this ignorance of what is of significance and what is not, this want of faith in what the elders and sages have handed down as the wisdom of ages. People prefer what is pleasing to what is beneficial.

Virtue is the fragrance of the flowers which the tree of life puts forth. Educated people must be identified in society by their strict adherence to virtue, not by more skilled methods of escaping the consequences of vice.

Sacrifice, so that you may be saved. You have to sacrifice, not a bleating sheep or a horse or a cow, but your animality, the bestial lust and greed, hate and malice. Sacrifice these and you earn the heaven of unflinching peace.

Sathya, Dharma, Shanghai and prema are the hall-marks of a purified heart, a heart where God is enshrined and is manifest.

If there is righteousness in the heart
There will be beauty in character;
If there is beauty in character
There will be harmony in the home.
When there is harmony in the home
There will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.

So, be righteous; avoid all prejudices against others on the basis of caste, creed, colour, mode of worship, ststus or degree of affluence. Do not look down on any one; look upon all as Divine as you really are.

Truth is man’s nature; to be untrue is to be false to one’s nature. dharma (Right Action) is the practical application in real life of the ideal of truth. Shanthi (Peace) is the result of Dharma and Preme (Love) is the sffulgence of Shanthi.

Every child is born not only with a stomach that has to be catered to, it is also endowed with two hands which can work and produce the food for the stomach. The hands have to be given the strength and skill; they have to learn the lesson of self-reliance. They should never be lazy or slothful. Then, there can be no deficiency in food and no problem of underfeeding.

Human nature is an amalgam of animal, human and divine characteristices. Love, compassion, humility, charity - these are all divine. One has to cultivate these, in order to be at peace, with onsself and others.

One has to visualise God in every living being and worship Him through love. Therein lies the supremacy of man. Ownership of enormous wealth is a dangerous burden; authority over many men is a dubious aasset. Love is the most precious treasure to be sought after. Virtue is the wealth to be won.

Man must saturate his daily life in truthful speech, virtuous acts and holy thoughts.

You should not cause hurt even by a word, a look or a gesture. Tolerance, fortitude, equanimity - these help you to be steady in ahimsa (absence of violence).

Assess the work of whatever others do to you or say about you, and cultivate fortitude and the understanding to appreciate their behaviour and pardon their faults. This capacity is as invaluable as truth, righteousness, wisdom, non-violence, renunciation, delight and compassion. It is all that one need possess for spiritual advancement.

Living becomes a glorious experience only when it is sweetened by tolerance and love. Willingness to compromise with others’ ways of living and cooperation in common tasks, these make living happy and fruitful. Certain modes of behaviour have been laid down and proved beneficial by centuries of practice.

These have to be observed with midifications to suit the conditions of today.

Virtue is the panacea for both body and mind. The virtuous person can be both healthy and happy. How is virtue to be cultivated? How can it express itself in daily practice? Through service to living beings, through seva. Virtue must flow through the triple channel of love, mercy and detachment, in order to feed the roots of seva.

Purity of the heart has to be the goal of Saadhana.

Human values can be listed as 50, 60, 70, 80 in all. But they can be better grouped under the following three heads; pure thoughts, pure words, pure deed; thoughts, words and deed cordinated with one another.

A lamp kept on mound illumines the area; if kept in a pit, it is as if it were not. A virtue that is practised is a lamp that shines for all; good thoughts and good deeds have a way of influencing others. The gems of wisdom, the light of intuitive experience should not be kept away from fellow - men. They have to be shared, even at the cost od one’s life. That was the lesson Jesus taught and symbolised.

Of all the human values, three are most important. The foremost is love of God. Where there is love there is sacrifice. There arises purity of heart. There should be a fusion of love, sacrifice and purity. They are not mere human qualities. They constitute vital organs of a human being. They are as essential for a human being as the head, hands and legs for the body. Without these attributes, no one is a complete human being.

The man filled with good qualities like Truth, Love, absence of jealousy, ego and hatred, can see God without searching for Him. He becomes a Jnani (a man of spiritual wisdom).

The fundamental human values all emanate from Dharma, based on Truth. If human behaviour has no such basis, it leads to disaster.

The enumeration of human values as five - Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence is not correct. They are all facets of the foundational humanness. They grow together; they are absence of Inner conflicts. How can one have peace when he revels in violence of speach and action?

The values a man must cherish as his life-breath are: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non violence.

Of these five vital principles, Love is the foremost. It is Love that flows as the under-current for the other four values. How does it flow this way? When Love is associated with our thoughts, it manifests itself as Truth. When Love is associated with feelings, it produces Peace. When Love animates actions, it results in Right Action. When Love is combined with understanding it becomes Non-violence. Therefore whenever you feel angry, think of love, develop thoughts of love in your heart. You will have peace.

You must cultivate unity, cooperation ans mutual trust. Love is the basis of all other human qualities like Truth, Righteousness and Peace. If the four qualities of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema are present in a person, he will manifest the divinity that is in him.

Conflicts and factions, violence and upheavals are caused by the neglect of human values in daily life.

Man becomes fit and functionally valid only when, along with scholarship and expert skills, he has imbibed these values. The person who is wedded to Truth and Love would need nothing more for peace and happiness. When Creation is witnessed through these values, it becomes holy scripture, an inspiring lesson and guide,. Therefore I exhort you: Let Truth and Love be the goals for all your efforts and studies.

More vital than the five pranas (Prana, Apaana and others), Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa are the vital life-breath for everyone. Of these the greatest is Prema (Love). Fill yourself with love. Love should express itself in service to society. You should look upon society this way. We exist for society and society exists for the good of all. Try to sanctify your life by doing service and spreading joy and comfort all around.

Those who produce, those who guard and those who guide - the workers, the soldiers and the teachers - are like the three lengs of a tripod. But as a mere structure with three legs the tripod cannot be useful and efficient. The people who are the concern and under the care of the three categories form the plank on top of the three. The seat has to be screwed tight to the legs - the screwd being peace, love and truth and the process of screwing and tightening being the eager enthusiasm for progress, prosperity, security and unity.

The sincere effort to accept and promote the human values - Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Non-Violence and Love. These five values are a essential for a full and worthwhile life as the five vital airs or pranas mentioned in the scriptures.

We are today concerned with education in Human Values. In my view the cultivation of Human Values alone is education. Whoever tries to understand the human values of Truth, Rightous Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.

It is when you experience another’s suffering as your own that your human values is manifested.

You may think that the programme of education in human values was launched only five years ago. But in fact I initiated it nearly fifty years ago. When I was staying in Karnam Subbamma’s house I used to sing a song.

With Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema
Carry on your life’s journey, oh man;
Karma yoga is your bourden duty;
Remembering the Lord is the great secret
And Sadhana is the devotee’s hallmark,
Proceed, oh man, on your life’s pilgrimage
With Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema.

Regard the heart as a vast field. Use the mind as a plough. Treat the gunas (qualities) as bullocks. Use the intelligence (Viveka) as a whip. With these aids, cultivate the field of your heart. What is the crop that is to be grown in it? Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema are the crops. Bhakthi is the rain, meditation is the manure, Brahmananda is the crop.

Cultivate the heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. This crop has to be raised in your heart and should be shared with others.

Our life is like a block of ice which is melting away every moment. Before it spend itself, devote it to the service of others. Education in human values is designed to prepare everyone for this life of dedicated service.

The Human Values should be regarded as basic requirements for every human being. In spreading the message of these values to the world, you should all cooperate with each other and act in harmony.

Whatever may be the experience in everyday life, the basci inner Truth should not be forgotten.

If we want to eliminate bad qualities like hatred, envy, pride and ostentation, we have to employ Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema and Ahimsa as the cleaning instruments.

Together with worldly education, you have to cultivate the human values and undertake spiritual discipline.

In cultivating human values, emphasis should also be placed on avoiding wastage of money, food and time.

Even teachers have to be trained in this respect.

The development of the society, the state and the nation is proportionate to the development of the Human

state. If human qualities are lost, the honour of the society and the nation will be lost.

Human life is beset with ups and downs, joys and sorrows. These experiences are intended to serve as

guideposts for man. Life would be stale if there were no trials and difficulties. It is these difficulties

which bring out the human values in man.

Only that which is got by hard effort will yield lasting benefit.

There should be a harmonious blend of religion, philosophy and art for man to live healthily in the world.

In this context religion means the religion of love. This is the only religion in the world. There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. One should cultivate human values for healthy living. this calls for harmony in thought, word and deed. When you cultivate this harmony you will be free from desires and fears.

The five values of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence are related to different inner instruments of the body . The value of Truth is expressed through speach or words. The value of righteousness is expressed through the body. This is related to the physical sheath. Peace can be experienced only in the mental plane. For Sathya, Dharma and Shanthi one has to purify the instruments of speach, body and mind. Love comes out of the mental and bliss sheath. Non-violence comes from Bliss sheath. Love (prema) flows as an undercurrent in all the inner instruments and purifies them. So all the five values are having relationship with the five sheaths.

Shanthi comes from Manomaya Kosa
Sathya comes from Vijnanamaya Kosa
Dharma comes from Annamaya Kosa
Prema comes from Praanamaya and Manomaya Kosa
Ahimsa comes from Anandamaya Kosa

In these five sheaths are encased 3 types of bodies: physical (sthoola), Subtle (sookshama) and causel (kaarana) sarirars. Annamaya Kosa represents physical body. It is like the tyre of a lorry. If you increase intake of food it grows and the weight of the body increases. Divinity is there in all the sheaths of the body. It is contant Integrated Awareness in different forms in speach, action and feelings.

It is only when the individual is good that society will progress. When the society and the nation is based on the observance of human values.

Human life is precious, sublime and meaningful. But by involvement in purely worldly pursuits, the greatness of human birth is forgotten. Without human values, life is meaningless. When there is purity in thought, word and deed, human values are practised. The unity of the three H’s is essential. ‘Heart, Head and Hand. ’ But today this unity is absent among people, with the result that men are becoming inhuman.

A tranquil mind, a truth-filled speech, and a body dedicated to service-one who has these three qualities is described as the embodiment of ‘Triputi’ (the Triple purity). Such a one is the noblest of human beings.

Whoever aspires to win the grace of God should cultivate at the outset the quality of Kshama (Forgiveness).

It is a divine quality.

Human values are born with man. They are not got from outside. Man in his ignorance is not aware of these values. when man sheds his ignorance, he will experience his divine nature.

Forgiveness is a quality that every man should possess. That forgiveness is Truth itself, it is Righteousness, it is the Veda. It is the Supreme virtue in this world. Hence, all people should develop the quality of forgiveness.

People should remain unaffected by what others may say. A true man is one who overcomes the ups and downs of life with fortitude. One should not recoil before reverses of fortunes. One should bravely face them and overcome them.

Students should acquire human values, in addition to their scholastic, intellectual and other attainments. It is the decline in human values that accounts for the degradation of human beings in the country today.

Practise any one of the human values. Prema (love) is the basis for all the values. Action with love is right conduct. Speak with love and it becomes truth. Thinking with love results in peace. Understanding with love leads to non-violence. For everything love is primary. Where there is love there is no place for hatred.

Humanness consists in harmony of thought, word and deed.

How can anyone be called human, if being born a human being and growing in a human society, he does not recognise human values? You must see that you don’t harm any living being. He alone is a redeemed being who causes no pain to others and avoids pain to himself.

Human values should predominate in men’s thoughts. Human life has no meaning without these values.

To be a true human being, one has to practise these values in daily life.

Doctors should recognise the importance of the five human values; Truth, righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence. Love is the basis for all the other values. Doctors can infuse courage in patients by the love they show towards the patients. If doctors carry out their duties with love they will be crowned with success.

What is the freedom a man can enjoy? Man is governed by certain restraints. He has to adhere to truth.

He has to follow righteousness. He has to cultivate love. he has to live in peace. He has to observe nonviolence.

Sticking to these five values, man can exercise his freedom. These five values, are associated with the five elements which make up the cosmos. These five elements which may be used in different ways, but they are the basic substances constituting the universe. Beyond these five, there is only one sixth element, that is, the Antahkarana, the Inner Motivator, which is identical with the Atmic Principle.

To exercise freedom in its true sense, man has to respect the five basic values. It is in that freedom he will find true bliss.

Wherefrom are human values to be derived and how are they to be developed? Human values are born along with human birth. They exist in union. Unfortunately, man today separates himself from human values and yet wants to live as a human being. To recover human values, man has to take the spiritual path.

However great an intellectual may be, however great one may be as a scholar or a man of learning, one has also to acquire humanness. Without humanness, scholarship and intellectual eminence are of no value.

It is only when man cultivate humanness that society will shine with radiance and the nation and the world will progress. Humanness can be promoted only through spirituality and not by any other means. Just as a seed can sprout only when it is planted in the soil and watered, human values can grow only in a spiritual soil. If a man wants to cultivate human values, he has to apply the manure of spirituality to his heart, water it with love so that human values will grow.

Human society needs essntially fellow-feeling and unity. When these two are present, humanness will flourish.

Control of senses is an important human value.

At the present moment, in the prevailing situation, what is most essential is the cultivation of love. Losing love mankind has lost its humanness. Love is the Supreme human value. Truth, righteousness, peace and non-violence are other human values. Knowing these values, men are foolishly leading valueless lives.


Man's heart is the temple Divine.

Do not inflame it with ideas of mine and thine.

Empty yourselves of all bad feelings

And fill your hearts with love and selflessness.

A heart soaked in love alone

is a sacred heart.


Share your joy, your wealth and your knowledge with others less fortunate. That is the surest means of winning Divine Grace.

More than listening to a hundred lectures or delivering them to others, offering one act as genuine service attracts the Grace of God.

We should not aspire for acclaim and praise from those around us, but do service only to secure the Grace of God and not for any other reward from any one.


God equals man minus ego.
You have come from God, you are a spark of His Glory; you are a wave of that Ocean of Bliss; you will get peace only when you again merge in Him.

The heart with compassion is the temple of God.

If God is a flower, you should feel yourself a bee that sucks its honey;

If he is a Tree, Be a creeper that clings to it; If he is the sky, be a tiny star that twinkles in it.

Above all, be conscious of the Truth

That you and He are bound

By Supreme Love.

God has no preferences and prejudices; His is but reaction, reflection and resound.

Prayer must emanate from the heart, where God resides, and not from the head where doctrines and doubts clash.

Nations are many, but Earth is one;
Beings are many, but Breath is one;
Stars are many, but Sky is one;
Oceans are many, but Water is one;
Religions are many, but God is one;
Jewels are many, but Gold is one;
Appearances are many, but Reality is One.

God, if you think, God you are. Dust if you think, dust you are. As you think, so you become. Think God, be God.

Transmuting "man" into "God" and experiencing that Ananda or Bliss is the one and only achievement for which life is to be devoted.

Duty is God;
Work is worship.

O Lord, take my love and let it flow in fullness of devotion to Thee.
O Lord, take my hands and let them work incessantly for Thee.
O Lord, take my soul and let it be merged in oneness with Thee.
O Lord, take my mind and thoughts and let them be in tune with Thee.
O Lord, take my everything and let me be an instrument for thy work.

God is the mother and father of the world.
Our parents are the mother and father of this body.
God is one; there are not many Gods, one for each tribe among men.

Once we surrender our mind to God completely, He will take care of us in every way.

God or devil, good or bad are denisens of one's own heart

Where God is there the devil cannot be.

God plays pranks and directs.

He causes tears and quenches tears.

He cures madness and inflicts madness.

God rewards according to the manner

in which He is conceived or approached.

He grants you consolation and courage

Once you have cleansed yourself by tears.

God is the Seed;
The Universe is the Tree,
Impulses and passions are the branches,
Intelligence is the flower,
Pure Consciousness is the fruit,
Love is the sweetness in the fruit.

See God in everyone you meet;
See God in everything you handle;
Live together; Revere each other;
Let not the seeds of envy and hate grow and choke
The clear stream of love.

God is

The soul of Life;

God is

The Granter, the Force,

The Sustainer.

God is worshipped only in

pictures, images, idols.

He is not recognised in

all living beings,

In beauty, harmony, melody,

truth and goodness.

God thinks, plans and resolves

in all heads,

He sees through all the eyes,

He eats through all mouths,

Hears through every ear.

God will never disown you,

for He is your very core,

Your basic Reality.

God will certainly be pleased if you give water for the thirsty, bread for the hungry and clothes to the naked.

Love God with all your heart,

With all your soul

and with all your strength.

Love is the form of Brahman (The Supreme Reality)

Brahman is love Divine.

The merger of human love with

Divine love brings about Cosmic Order

One who is full of love attains

The states of Oneness with Him.

Why fear when I am here?

Never be afraid of anything because God is in you, with you, above you, around you. He follows you like a shadow. Never forget him.

If you incline towards God the passions that enslaves you will be rendered powerless.

If you become aware of God's presence within you and also the presence of the same God in all else,

There is nothing to equal the peace and joy that you get.

God can be addressed by any name that taste sweet to your tongue or pictured in any form that appeals to your sense of wonder and awe.

God designed in different faiths adored by different human communities are all limbs of the One God that really is.

God does not live in structures of stone or brick. He lives in soft hearts warm with sympathy and fragrant with universal love.

God has no forms, no limbs, no qualities, no preferences, no prejudices.

God has no beginning and no end.

Without God, life is like a school without a teacher. It is a wire with no current passing through it; it is a body with no soul.

"This world is His Play, it is not an empty dream; it has purpose and use. It is the means by which we can discover God; see Him in the beauty, grandeur, the order, the majesty of nature. these are but shadows of His glory and His Splendour. The play is His, the role is his gift, the lines are written by Him; He directs, He decides the dress and decoration, the gesture and the tone, the entrance and the exit. You have to act well the part and receive His approbation, when the curtain falls. Earn, by your efficiency and enthusiasm, the right to play higher and higher roles - that is the meaning and purpose of life. Do not worry about anything. Place yourself fully at His disposal, He knows. He has written the Play and He knows how it will end and how it will go on. Yours is but to act and retire. The Lord alone is aware of the Play, for His is the Plan! You see only the part of the Play on the stage and so it is all very confused. When the entire story is unfolded, then you will appreciate His plan, not until then; for that, you will have to get behind the screen of Maya and contact the Director Himself. While you are an actor on the stage reciting your role, you cannot grasp the inner meaning of the entire play which has the 'World' as the stage ang 'ages' as the duration. You are only actors on the stage, before the footlights. The Director who knows the Play, who assigns the roles, who gives the cues, who calls you in and puts you on - He is behind the curatin. You're a puppet, He holds the strings. You are only working out His plan. Identification with the adventure in the Play and with its success or failure."

Friday 22 July 2011


The secret of perfect health lies in keeping the mind always cheerful - never worried, never hurried, never borne down by any fear, thought or anxiety.

The food we consume should be tasty, sustaining and pleasant; It should not be too hot or too salty; there must be a balance and an equilibrium maintained.


Living with God is education Living for God is Service Living in God is Realization Unity is Divinity.

Character is the most precious gift of education.

True education is not for a mere living, but for a fuller and meaningful life.

Virtue is the sign of the educated person.
This is what makes education worthwhile.

Education should build character. Its is Truth and Truth alone, that is one's real friend, relative. Earning money cannot be the purpose of education.

Base all educational efforts on building up of the character of the students, and then you can confidently think of raising on in the super-structure of curricula.

Acquiring good qualities can be the only purpose of education.

Peace can only be won the hard way, by eliminating violence and greed from the hearts of individual.

Education must remove hatred between the pilgrims on the various roads to God.

Politics without principles, Education without character, Science without humanity, and Commerce without morality Are not only useless, but positively dangerous.

Education softens the heart. If the heart is hard, one cannot claim to be educated.

Knowledge that is not put into practice is like food that is not digested.


What exactly is your duty? Let me summarise it for you. First, tend your parents with love and reverence and gratitude. Second, speak the truth and act virtuously. Third, whenever you have a few moments to spare, repeat the name of the Lord, with the form in your mind. Fourth, never indulge in talking ill of others or try to discover faults in others. And, finally, do not cause pain to others, in any form.


Divinity pervades all that you see, hear and feel. Being in the constant company of such an all-pervasive divinity, why should you worry and fear.


Desire is like the shadow caused by the morning sun; it gets longer when you run to catch; it makes you a fool.

Desire is the worst enemy; it ruins many a human life. Desire when fulfilled breeds further desire.

Desire leads to ultimate ruin; It can never be destroyed by fulfilment; Dispel desire; Develop true love.

Desire is storm, Greed is whirlpool, Pride is precipice, Attachment is avalanche, And ego is volcano.

Discard these and you will be liberated.

Desire is a bonfire that burns with greater fury, asking for more fuel. Desire is the sole cause of sorrow and distress.


A human body is associated with six stages of transformation: birth, growth, change, evolution, death and destruction.

Death accepts no excuse.

Tears do not move its heart.

Death gives advance notice of his arrival to take you — notice in the form of grey hair, falling teeth, failing vision, folding of the skin etc.

Death may call any moment.

Every moment, everyone is nearing death.

Death is not a deplorable event.

It is the journey’s end.


The first step in the Sadhana is the cleansing of the speech. Talk sweet without anger.

The body will shine if the character is fine; service of man and worship of God will preserve its charm.

Forget the harm that anyone has done to you, and forget the good that you have done to others. If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
If health is lost, something is lost.
If character is lost, all is lost.

The minimum qualifications for Grace is surrender of ego.

Don't waste money Don't waste time Don't waste food Don't waste energy

The less you talk, the more will become your mental power. With the increase in your mental capacity, there will be increase in your power of discrimination too.

The end of wisdom is freedom.
The end of culture is perfection.
The end of knowledge is love.
The end of education is character.

When one cultivates the inner look, one attains the conviction of the basic equality of all.

The joy of being the master of senses is far greater than being their slave.

Bend the body, mend the senses and end the mind - this is the way to Immortality

Haste makes waste; Waste makes worry; So do not be in a hurry.

Man minus immorality is Immortality.

You should completely forget the help rendered by you to others and the harm done to you by others.

If animal feelings are washed out, Divine feelings begin to overflow instead.

Watch your Words, Action, Thoughts, Character and Heart.

What you would desire others to do for you, you should do for others. You should respect others as you want to be respected by them.

Anger, ego, jealousy are the biggest diseases.
Keep yourself aloof from these three diseases.
Anger cannot be destroyed by anger and cruelty by cruelty.
Anger can be subdued only by forbearance and cruelty can be overcome only by nonviolence.
Anger is like an intoxicant; it reduces man and degrades him to the level of an animal.

Think before speaking. Think before acting. Then go ahead If you feel good about it.

Watch Your Words
Watch Your Action
Watch Your Thoughts
Watch Your Thoughts
Watch Your Character
Watch Your Heart

If there is righteousness in the heart, There will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character, There will be harmony in the home.
When there is harmony in the home, There will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation, There will be peace in the world.

We can be successful leaders only if we are disciplined followers, who do not issue commands to others but rather set an example of service in our actions.

You should see that no dirt settles upon the mind; that is to say, you should move about in such company that dirt is avoided. Falsehood, injustice, indiscipline, cruelty, hate -- these form the dirt; Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema -- these form the clean elements.

Do not waste a single moment, in idling or loose living.

See good
Hear good
Speak good
Do good
Be good

With good and sweet words, keeping desires under check and control (for ultimate removal), one should start on the path of sacrifice.

Doing one's duty, however small, in an unattached manner gives rise to the awakening of self awareness.

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work - hence these bad qualities must be sacrificed.

If you honor your mother, the Mother of the universe will guard you against harm.
If you honor your father, the Father of all Beings will guard you.
If you honor your parents, your children will honor you.

The secret of happiness is not doing what one likes to do but in liking what one has to do.

Bear all and do nothing; Hear all and say nothing; Give all and take nothing; Serve all and be nothing.

Make your life a rose, that speaks silently in the language of fragrance.

Greed yields only sorrow; contentment is best.

You are not one person, but three: The one you think you are; The one others think you are; The one you really are.

The mother is the pillar of the home, of society, of the nation, and so of humanity itself.

If it is good and will harm no one, go ahead. If it is not good, put it aside. If not sure, do nothing until sure.

I - Want - Peace "I" is ego. "Want" is desire. Remove ego and desire and you have peace.

Learn to speak what you feel, and act what you speak.

Thirty-six Gems

1: Rectitude is the royal road to the seat of God.

2: He who conquers the world is a hero; but the hero of heroes is He who conquers himself; He is mighty; He has prowess beyond compare.

3: Faith is the first step to the grace of God.

4: Truth will lead you to the deity; untruth will lead you to the devil.

5: The aspirant must bear with patience all circumstances; that is the most beneficial path.
6: Fill every deed of yours with the vision of the spirit, the outlook of the super-self.

7: To grasp the significance of the omnipresence of the Lord, believe that there is no name which is not His; no body or thing which is not His.

8: He who is steady in wisdom stands closest in the company of the Lord.

9: Release from bondage to inborn impulses is the real liberation.

10: When a person has renounced the fruit, whatever activity He engages in, that is Samaadhi (the last stage of yoga) itself.

11: When you try something above your capacity, that is conceit.

12: When you do something less than your capacity, remember, that is theft.

13: Full happiness consists of auspicious conversation, auspicious thoughts, auspicious deeds.

14: Recognise and accept your own faults and errors; do not attempt to unveil others' faults and errors; this discipline helps the aspirant a great deal.

15: Cool comforting conversation, that is most congenial to the aspirant, is the habit that will take him to the goal.

16: Whose property did the crow steal? Whom did the Kokil (cuckoo) crown? Understand this: if your tongue is sweet, your name gets honoured.

17: Achieve mastery over your tongue, you achieve thereby mastery over the world.

18: He who obeys the dictates of the Lord is indeed at ease, he is a Yogi; He who disobeys the dictates of the Lord, he is the dis-eased, the Rogi.

19: When heart is bound to heart, heat of argument finds no place.

20: Impure food makes the mind also impure; the sun of the inner glory of Dharma can never dawn within the impure mind.

21: If you give up the contemplation of the Lord who is the treasure of undiminishing bliss and spend yourself in the contemplation of the means of achieving the victory of the promptings of your heart, you can never get released.

22: If you drop the weight of argument, and unfold the twin wings of faith and action, you can float and fly happily in the deep blue sky of the almighty presence.

23: The craving for fruit will render all spiritual discipline fruitless.

24: Let the mind die, let Buddhi (intellect) be destroyed, let the body disintegrate, remember nothing can harm you, the indestructible Aathma.

25: Use a little common sense and you will know that the body is not your own self; it is liable to decline and death; that is the first step for Nara (man) to become Naaraayana (God). The 'I' to which reference is made is not the body, it is the Paramaathma (supreme self); trying to realise this is Thapas (penance).

26: Where the singing of the name of the Lord fills the air with its splendour and fragrance, that place indeed is Vaikuntha (the abode of Vishnu).

27: While the skin of cattle is useful for making footwear, the human skin is not worth a speck of dust. But yet, that very man can ascend to the height to divinity if only He carries out his holy task.

28: The world must be made the abode of love; first, cultivate love for yourself; then, fill the village were you are with love; later, spread the love to the district and thus, let it cover the entire world.

29: Whatever you feel is good if done by others to you, however you feel they should honour you; do unto those others also and honour them likewise yourselves.

30: When you do not know, confess that you do not know; if you pretend to know and try to cover up ignorance, it is very dangerous, especially to the spiritual aspirant.

31: The idea of Brahman is beyond the capacity of those who have no control over the agitations of the mind; the natural afflictions of the causative world will cease only when the idea of Brahman is well established in the mind; the delusion of the causative world must disappears if one must get the joy, Aathmic bliss.

32: However great a hero you might be, whatever your prowess and intellect, devoid of the grace of God, you degenerate into a slave.

33: Whoever loves and serves all, him, the Lord loves and honours.

34: The birds taking shelter for the night awake and fly away to the four quarters at sunrise; so too, the wife and children, the fortune and wealth, all fly away without as much as even a farewell notice. Establish yourselves firmly in this fact; make immediate efforts to achieve the eternal, the permanent, the unchanging.

35: Of what use is all the poring over tomes throughout the day and night, of what use is al the fame achieved by means of scholarship? What you have put into practice, that is the measure of your learning, your education. Without that, your are but a learned, titled fool.

36: Strive for the happiness, the joy of all others, as earnestly as you strive for your own; strive for the peace of the world, as diligently as you strive for your own. That is true divinity, that is true humanity.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba Quotes

Human desire is illimitable and without end. It makes you pursue the mirage in the desert; it makes you build castles in the air; it breeds discontent and despair, once you succumb to it. But develop the thirst for Krishna; you discover the cool spring of Ananda within you. Krishna Nama makes you very strong and steady; it is sweet and sustaining.

Mine, not thine, this sense of greed is the root of all evil. This distinction is applied even to God!- my God, not yours! Your God, not mine!

Your life is really like a tapestry. You look at one side and see all the disconnected and loose ends, and say, 'What a mess my life is!' God sees the finished product on the other side and sighs, 'How beautiful you have become!'

The individual born in the lake of Society must swim and float in the calm waters, and joining the River of Progress, merge into the Ocean of Grace; Man has to move from the stance of 'I' to the position of 'We'. To this day, we see only the wild dance of go-stricken individuals, who hate society and behave most unsociably.

All men have two constables ever with them; They are the symbols of his sentence of imprisonment. They are 'Abhiman' (Sense of I) over 'Mamakar' (sense of mine), the egoistic feeling and the pride of possession. Man is a prisoner of his senses as long as these two keep him under guard. Man strays away into misery and pain, because he loses the sense of value and runs after the temporary and the trivial. He ignores the voice of God which warns and guides him from within; and he pays the penalty for the transgression.

Man is equipped with a return-ticket when he takes birth. Holding it in his grasp, he earns and spends, rises and falls, sings and dances, weeps and wails, forgetting the end of the journey. But though he forgets, the wagon of life moves toward the cemetery, which is its terminus. It brings no glory to man if he is tied helplessly to the wheel of birth and death. His glory and greatness consist in disentangling himself from that revolving wheel.

Do not consider any act of service as demeaning. Sweeping the streets, for example, is not below your dignity. Do you not sweep the floor of your homes? Do you not scrub and wash off dirt? When you undertake such tasks, the villagers will also gladly share in them. Why feel ashamed to be good? The ridicule that may be cast on you has been the reward of many saints. It will soon fade away. Muhammad was driven out of Mecca by those who could not appreciate his teachings. Jesus was crucified. But their names resound in the heart of millions.

Remember, God is your guardian, when you sleep; when you are helpless; even when you have forgotten or neglected or discarded Him. He has no need you offer or promise to offer. He is ever content, ever blissful, ever full and ever free. Do your duty to yourself - that is enough offering for Him.

You may have a vast scholarship, fame or fortune. But, the bee can give you a lesson on how to be free from torment. The tree can teach you forbearance and tolerance. It offers shade to all, irrespective of age, sex or religion, nationality or status. It helps with fruit and shade even to the foe who lays his axe on its trunk! The dog can teach you a lesson in Faith, Self-less service and the process of Dedication.

There is only one God and He is Omnipresent". True. But to concentrate on the Omnipresent, some fixed point or preliminary form is needed. And to conceive of the Divine as present everywhere and at all times, the mind of man is to be clarified and purified by means of a certain psychological process called Sadhana.

My activities are not for publicity or propaganda or even to confer joy on others! They are for conferring joy primarily on Me! I have no need to please others and to earn approval or appreciation. For, I and you are not different entities; you are I; and I am you. I am the current that flows into every bulb and illuminates it. Those who see me as separate are seeing falsehood. I am in your hearts; you are in Mine. Don't be misled into doubt and distress. Dogs may bark and jackals howl; but Truth moves Majestically forward.

A person being transferred from one Goal to another will have two constables who will escort him; the 'Punya' and the 'Papa' ( good consequences and the bad consequences of actions) are the consequences who lead man from one birth to another. If you must escape from their attention and avoid migration from one Goal to another, act - but do not calculate the consequences. That is to say, do not worry about the consequence; leave it to God who prompted the act and made it possible. Dedicate the act, the will and the wish, all to God.

Happiness and peace do not follow when man is fed well, clothed well, housed well, and educated up to a good standard and employed under comfortable conditions, with no injury to health or security. There are many who have all these in plenty but who are yet worried or in pain or discontented. They depend on the inner equipment of man, not his outer skill or riches.

The ultimate step of Self-realisation depends upon the base of Self-confidence. You must therefore develop as a first step Confidence in your own self. Without having and developing Confidence in your own self, if all the time you are talking of some power being with someone else, if in this way you travel all the time and depend on power which is with someone else, when are YOU going to acquire any power and confidence in ownself?

If you live on the level of the Body and the Individual, you will get entangled in food, fun and frolic, ease, envy and pride. Forget it, ignore it, overcome it -- You will have peace, joy and calm. In the Divine Path, there is no chance of failure; it is the Path of Love.

It is easy to criticise or belittle the "leelas" or infinite potencies of God. But it is very difficult to comprehend the truth about the Divine. The Omnipresent Divine is present both in Truth and untruth. He is present both in righteousness (Dharma) and unrighteousness (Adharma). He is present in good and evil. With regard to such an all-pervading Divine, how can anyone determine what is good and what is bad?

No matter where you go, always do your duty as you see it and know that I will be there inside you guiding you every step of the way...There is no need to worry about anything. Whatever is experienced, whatever happens, know that this Avatar willed it so. There is no force on earth which can delay for an instant the mission for which this Avatar has come. You are all sacred souls and you will have your parts to play in the unfolding drama of the new Golden Age, which is coming.

You cannot be fresh and feeling fine, wearing a washed vest under an unwashed shirt; or, an unwashed vest over a washed shirt. Both have to be clean, to provide a sense of tingling joy. So too outer and inner cleanliness is but the reflection of the inner achievement. There is a strange glow on the face of a guileless person. Inner cleanliness has its own soap and water - the soap of strong faith and the water of constant practice.

Reason can prevail only when arguments are advanced without the whipping of the Sound. Silence is the speech of the Spiritual Seeker. Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine Love. Hate screeches; fear squeals; Conceit trumpets. But, Love sings lullabies; it soothes; it applies balm. Practice the Vocabulary of Love; unlearn the language of hate and contempt.

I had to tell you so much about my Truth, for, I desire that you should contemplate on this and derive joy from the reform, so that you may be inspired to observe the disciplines laid down by Me and progress toward the Goal of Self Realisation, The realisation of the Sai that shines in your hearts.

To achieve release, man kneels before a million Gods, in frantic pain. If he but blasts the ego within the Goal is reached, he is freed indeed! It is difficult indeed to understand the ego in its depth and devious ways. It is an inert entity: that is to say, it cannot know itself not can it know others; It has no fear; it will not bend before others; it degrades man from the golden glory, which is his due, to the level of lowly dust.

The World today is in a very bad state. The situation can improve only through Asthikas, who are believers in Divinity. They should become Prema Swaroopas or Embodiments of Love and by their Sadhana, backed by patience, forbearance and compassion, play their role in serving Society and contributing to the betterment of the World. God is present in you and is visualising through thousands of eyes what you do. Even when no one is seeing, God is watching your actions always. Do everything with this awareness.

Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but don't build a house on it.

All religions exhort man to cleanse the heart of malice, greed, hate and anger. All religions hold out the gift of Grace as the prize for success in this cleaning process. Ideas of superiority and inferiority arise only in a heart corrupted by egoism. If someone argues that he is higher or his religion is holier, it proves that he has missed the significance of his faith.

Man is basically, essentially and fully immortal. He is 'Amrithaswarupam' yet he is afraid he would die! He is 'Anandaswarupa'; yet, he is it that weeps that he is miserable. He is 'Shanthiswarupam'; yet, everywhere he is overlaid by anxiety. This absurd self-deception is the root of the tragedy from which the World suffers today.

For each person, there is a Code of Conduct laid down in the Shastras, according to age and status, the profession adopted, the stage of spiritual attainment reached and the goal of life accepted. Do not carp at the behaviour of others or at the efforts they make, to get consolation and courage amidst the turmoils of life. For each, there is the path that he has chosen and the Name and Form of God he prefers. Also do not give up your code of duties and take up that recommended for someone else.

Man seeks joy in far off places and peace in quiet spots; but the spring of joy is in his heart. the haven of peace is in himself. Even when he walks on the moon, man has to take with him, his fears, his anxieties, his prejudices and his pet aversions. Have faith in God and in the correctness of moral living. Then, you can have peace and joy, whatever may be the fare that fortune offers you.

The parents gave you this body and fostered the intelligence and love that are embedded in it; so, gratitude is their due. If you do not honour the parents who are the creators in human form, how can you learn to honour the Creator in Divine Form? Moreover, the parents reveal to you the glory of God and the means of worshipping Him; they are the first representatives of the authority which you meet with, authority modified by love and care. Learn to bend before that authority and you will learn how to submit before the Lord.

You have it in your power to make your days on Earth a path of flowers, instead of a path of thorns. Recognise the Sai resident in every heart and all will be smoothness, softness and sweetness for you. Sai will be the fountain of Love in your heart and in the hearts of all with whom you come in contact. Know that Sai is Omnipresent and that, He is present in every living thing and you. Adore everyone as you adore Sai.

Rise up to the Divine, don't bring Godhead to your human and even animal levels. Do not worship God as the picture before you, but worship the picture before you as God, because God is in everything and can be grasped through every single symbol. There is nothing wherein He is not,; there is no might or right, apart from Him.

Snakes hiss; pigs grunt; and bills moo! They are asserting their ego, intent on keeping others away. Of the traits of ego, pride is the most poisonous. But, the pride of the scholar and the vanity of Pundits are so thick, that it is impossible for them to get rid of these.

In organizations like Government there are different Departments; namely, the Departments of Health, Education or Finance. Similarly, even in the spiritual field, there are different "departments". They are creation, sustenance and dissolution. Each department has a [leader]. Each leader of a department has to look after and run the department smoothly and efficiently. There would be a Master (Head) in charge of all three departments. He may be called either Chief Minister or Prime Minister. He controls all the three departments. He is also called Allah and [other] names by different people. In the English language, He is called GOD. "G" stands for Generation; "O" for Organization; and "D" for Dissolution.

To know the Divine, we should develop Divine thoughts.

The essence of all religions is One. Surrender is the main duty of everyone. Surrender means the feeling of oneness: I and God are One. Why? The reason is that the One who is present in you is present in me.

Only one God is present in everyone. Never follow the differences basing on the differences of the body. There is no chance or scope for conflict. It is the body attachment, which is responsible for fights. Never believe that body is permanent. Body is like a water bubble. Mind is like a mad monkey. Don't follow the mind. Don't follow the body. Follow the Conscience. That is the main principle of this text. So we should follow our Conscience.

In order to acquire Divinity, in order to find out the Divinity within us, if you want to know yourself, you should develop PURE LOVE. It is this bond of Love that binds everybody. This is the bond of Love.

Practice is very important. You can propagate, that will never be permanent. You can propagate by practising what you say, through practice. That is the fundamental thing. When you practice and enjoy, others will follow you.

This attachment is not God's gift. Bliss is God's gift. God's gift is Peace. God's gift is Truth. That is the God's gift. All the rest are passing clouds.

So today we have to develop compassion. That is the principle of Jesus. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. LOVE IS GOD. LIVE IN LOVE. START THE DAY WITH LOVE. FILL THE DAY WITH LOVE. SPEND THE DAY WITH LOVE. END THE DAY WITH LOVE. THIS IS THE WAY TO GOD. Therefore, we should live in LOVE continuously.

GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU, IN YOU, AROUND YOU. We should have such a friend. So actually speaking, real friend is GOD. God is our permanent friend. All worldly pleasures and comforts are like passing clouds

GOD IS IMPORTANT. If you have God with you, you will have the rest. Real wealth is God. Real health is God. We should make every effort to pray for God. Because we are from God, we should be back to God.

Embodiments of Love! There is Love in everyone of you. Develop that Love. Share it with the people. You also experience with your fellow people. This love - this love is not one-way traffic. It is just two-way: GIVE and TAKE. We don't need to go anywhere, if you have Love.

All are One. Be alike to everyone. Share, propagate this truth all over the world. God is in everyone. God is in you and you are God. Strengthen this fundamental truth. When you propagate this truth, that is the real service. It is the service that will take you to closer proximity, a boat. In this ocean of life, take the help of this boat and gain the proximity.

The Lord rushes toward the Bhakta faster than the Bhakta rushes towards HIM. If you take one step towards Him, He takes a hundred steps towards you ! He will be more than a mother or father. He will foster you from within you, as He has saved and fostered so many Saints who have placed faith in HIM.

You must not be a bit of blotting paper, absorbing all the passions and emotions, all the joys and grief that the actress of Nature demonstrates of the stages of life. You must be a Lotus, unfolding its petals when the Sun rises in the sky, unaffected by the slush where it is born or even the water which sustains it!

Faith in God is the secure foundation on which hope has to be built. The faith has to be stable and strong. The feeling that God will come to our rescue has to be vivid and vital, motivating and activating all that we do or speak or think. Service rendered to others in this spirit will be a great source of joy to you as well as to the recipient.

Women are proverbially too individualistic! There is a popular belief, born out of folk-experience, that three women cannot live in unison! There is a Telugu limerick, which says, "The world shivers before one woman. The ocean will dry up, if there are two! And if there are three, O, the stars will drop down at noon!" Why is woman so characterized? Woman is extremely deficient in Sahana, I mean ability to bear defeat, fortitude, forbearance, patience and quiet, suffering with no thought of retaliation. That is why woman is said to be the weaker sex.

SILENCE, Cleanliness and Forbearance. In Silence can be heard the Voice of God, not in the revelry of noise. Through Cleanliness, you earn purity. By Forbearance, you cultivate Love. You have come today to your own home. This is your home not Mine. My home is your heart. So, do not try to have your lunch elsewhere but in your home, where you get this day food consecrated by Me, the Prasad.

If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character. If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world".

I have come to light the lamp of Love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added lustre. I have not come on behalf of any exclusive religion. I have not come on any mission of publicity for any sect or creed or cause; nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine. I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into my fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this unitary faith, this spiritual principle, this path of Love, this virtue of Love, this duty of Love, this obligation to Love.

It is the duty of everyone to live in the awareness of Truth. He who lives on Earth must become Man at first. Then, he has to learn the way to God, and discover the delight of the Spirit. This is the 'Raja Yoga' path that the Vedas teach. The Atma illumines all objects; It needs no other source of illumination to shine; It is the seer of the Universe.

The world itself is a great teacher, a constant guide and inspiration. That is the reason why man is surrounded and sustained by the world. Every bird, every animal, every tree, mountain and star and each tiny worm has a lesson for man, if he has but the will and the thirst to learn. These make the World a veritable University for man; it is a Gurukul (place where teacher and student both learn and grow together) where he is a pupil from birth to death.

If you do not feel the call at the sight of human distress, disease or deviation from the right, how can you muster the determination and dedication necessary to serve the unseen, inscrutable, mysterious God? When you do not love man, your heart will not love God. Despising brother-man, you cannot, at the same time, worship God; if you do, God will not accept that hypocrisy. God is resident in every heart; so, if you serve any one, that service reaches God within him: it brings to you the Grace of God.

Life has been bestowed not for just eating and digesting and roaming and reclining, but for a far greater purpose - the realization of Divinity in us, in all that exists around us and even beyond all things that strike our senses. To waste such a life in vain pursuits and in mere senses of pleasures is not the sign of an intelligent person. Deserve the Grace of God by helping the weak and poor, the diseased and the disabled, the distressed and the downtrodden.

Faith has to be cultivated, first and foremost. It has to be nurtured in Love. Love is fostered by Shanti (equanimity). Shanti can be got only when there is full reliance on God and complete surrender to the Divine Will. If one loses wealth, he may regain it by some means or other. If he loses health, some doctor might prescribe a tonic to win it back. If one loses status and authority he may, by sheer luck, gain them back. If Virtue is lost, it is lost forever; nothing can restore the pristine purity. So one has to be ever vigilant and should never slacken.

The spiritual laws that the sages of India have discovered and laid down will never be overruled; they stand valid for ever. Further research can only strengthen and confirm their authenticity, as further facts only render the diamond more brilliant. Bharath has contributed to the World the priceless gem of Truth; 'Iswarah Darvabhutaanaam Hrddese, Arjuna, Thishtati'. God is the resident motivator of all beings. Until this fact is realized by the individual, he will be tainted by traces of anger, pride and hate, for he sees others as distinct and different.

All religions teach one basic discipline - the removal from the mind of the blemish of egoism, of running after little joys. Every Religion teaches man to fill his being with the Glory of God, and evict the pettiness of conceit. It trains him in methods of detachment and discrimination, so that he may aim high and attain liberation. Believe that all hearts are motivated by the one and Only God - that all faiths glorify the One and the Only God; that all names in all languages and all Forms men can conceive, denote the One and Only God.

It was ascribed to one's past deeds and one's own mental tendencies. It is wrong to cast the blame on others. But, someone pointed out that God was the originator of both joy and grief and that, without His Will, no blade of grass can waver in the wind; Yes; if that Truth be firmly established in the heart, one gets the unique bliss of liberation. God gives everything; whatever we get is His grace. You have no right to judge whether what you get is good or bad."

You are only actors on the stage before the footlights. The Director, who knows the Play, who assigns the roles, who gives the cues, who calls you in and puts you on is behind the curtain. You are a puppet; He holds the strings. If He must be seen, you have to be His 'Sakhaa' (friend) or 'Bandhu'(kinsman). Merely being an onlooker will not entitle you to approach Him and be in His Holy Company. Cultivate His Friendship or Kinship by the attitude of Love and Dedicated Service.

Do not hope to gain Grace by looking down upon mankind and looking up at Sai. Remember, that your dress, behaviour and appearance will reveal your character and attitude towards others. Always have sweet, soft words on your tongue; cast your eyes only on holy sights. Wear clean, simple clothes and do not imitate those who are fascinated by latest fashions in dress and style. How can you do Seva when you move so far away from the common man ? I advise you to "Follow the Master". By 'Master' I mean the Conscience within you, the Voice of God.

Service is God. Why has God endowed man with a body, a mind and an intellect ? Feel with the mind, plan with the intelligence and use the body to serve those who are in need of service. Offer that act of service to God; worship home with that Flower. Put into daily practice the ideals that Sathya Sai has been propagating and make them known all over the World, by standing forth as living examples of their greatness.

God is the inner Motivator of all beings; All this is enveloped in God; This is the inner mystery of the Incarnation. God incarnating in all ! All are one; The One is All. There is only one God; He is Omnipresent ! There is only one religion - the Religion of Love. There is only one Caste - the caste of Humanity. There is only one Language - the Language of the Hart.

To presume that either from wealth or from kith and kin you can derive mental peace is a great error. Such peace only comes from God. In fact there is no strength superior to Love; where Love is there everything is. So you must live in God; and live in Love; then everything shall be right. You must make others also live in Love.

People crowd into film shows, rush towards social clubs - spend days together in playing cards - but when they are asked to sing the Glory of God and purify themselves and the atmosphere, they clamor for concession ! When the heads hit against each other in anger, can the feet be steady and unaffected ? They too will kick and trample as maliciously as they can.

As the Vedas announce, there is no Dharma higher than Truth. Truth gets hidden, appears distorted and is declared to be failing; so, the Avatar asserts its validity and value once again. God wears Truth, the good seek Truth and the bad are rescued by Truth; Truth liberates; Truth is power; Truth is freedom. It is the lamp that illuminates the heart and dispels doubt and darkness. The effulgence of God is Truth. Welcome God in your heart. Install Him there as a result of yearning. Be always concerned with Brahman; then you are entitled to be known as a Brahmin.

Injury inflicted on any being is sacrilege, self-injury. Love is transformed into poison, if hate contaminates it. Love some but do not hate the rest, for that hate will foul the Love and make it mortal. Love comes automatically to the realised soul; but, the Sadhaka has to cultivate it by means of Seva and inquiry into the unity of the Atman. Love must flow not from the tongue or from the head only, but chiefly from the heart.

Prasadam means Grace, which flows from God when He is propitiated. My Grace is ever with you; it is not something that is given or taken; it is given always and accepted by the Consciousness that is aware of its significance, Win the Grace of your own sub-conscious, so that it may receive the Grace of God which is ever available. God does not deny anyone; it is only you, who deny God. When the gift is proffered, you have to do only one little act, so that you may earn it. You have to extend your hand to receive it.

Ambition to earn fame in the world, to gain some position of authoritz over fellow-men, to lead luxurious life - this can never ensure Shanti, Mental Peace. Mental Peace is the result of quite different attainments. Wealth cannot command it, nor authority commander it ! It must be won the hard way through Meditation, Namasmaran and the nine steps to the presence of the Almighty. It must be won on the Earth, to which man rightfully belongs; and, not on any other heavenly body towards which he may dare navigate.

The basic lesson that each Religion teaches is to surrender to the sovereign-will of God and leave the consequences of deeds, well done, to the Lord Himself. It is His will and your only duty is to shape yourself into a fit instrument. To suppress the assertive ego, disciplines have been laid down in every Religion, by every compiler of moral codes, by every educator and reformer of human morals. But the oldest, most-effective and the most successfully practised system is the body of directives laid down in the Vedas and Shastras of India.

Time ticks on relentlessly and man is born, lives and dies, rotating on the wheel of Karma and consequently unaware of the means of escaping from the oncoming destiny. Agony and anxiety have not softened his heart; adventure and achievement have not made him humble. He is proud of his advance in the path of hatred and haughtiness. He revels in cruelty and sin. He displays an unholy satisfaction in immorality and untruth. He has reduced himself to a level lower than that of beasts.

The receptacle may be different but the Divine content is the same. The taste of sea-water will be saline whether you test a truckload, a bowlful, a potfull or a sip or a drop on the tongue: the taste of the Divine can be experienced in the atom or the Cosmos, the friend as well as the foe, the virus and the Universe. This is Realisation, the Liberation, the Illumination and the Revelation: "Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagat". This sphere of change is surcharged with the Omnipresent Divine.

From the narrow vision of 'individual need', man must voyage out into the broad vision of the 'Universal'. When a drop of water falls into the Ocean, it loses its narrow individuality, its name and form, and assumes the form, name and taste of the Ocean itself. If it seeks to live separately as a 'drop', it will soon evaporate and be reduced to non-existence. Each one must become aware that he is part of the one Truth that encompasses everything in the Universe. It is reprehensible to stick, for one's whole life-time, to the narrow path of selfishness, envy and greed. Make the heart big and the mind pure.

There is no discipline equal to service to smother the ego and to fill the heart with genuine joy. To condemn service as demeaning and inferior is to forego these benefits. If a wave of service sweeps over the land, catching everyone in its enthusiasm, it will be able to wipe off the mounds of hatred, malice and greed that infest the World. Attune your hearts so that it will vibrate in sympathy with the woes and joys of your fellow-men. Fill the World with Love. Love will warn you against advising another to do something which you yourself are unwilling to do; your conscience will tell you that you are living in a lie!

There are Four *F's* that you will have to fix before your attention:
(1) Follow the Master;
(2) Face the Devil;
(3) Fight to the End; and
(4) Finish at the Goal.

Follow the Master means: observe Dharma. Face the Devil means: overcome the temptations that beset you when you try to earn Artha or wealth or the wherewithal to live in comfort. Fight to the End means: struggle ceaselessly; wage war against the six enemies that are led by Kama or lust. And finally, Finish at the Goal means: do not stop until the goal, Moksha or Liberation from ignorance and delusion, is reached. The *F's* are fundamental for the pursuit of the four Purusharthas - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

No bird casts the seed on land to grow food for itself, nor do beasts plough and enclose fields claiming - this is mine, this is for my children and children's children -. 'Nishkama-Karma' is the natural face of activity for the children of God, the progeny of Immortality. They sing and swim, they dance and drive, they talk and walk and they pray and pine, because they must; it is the nature too. They do not know what will happen, as a consequence, they do not care; they do not anticipate any result. They are just themselves when they do these things. It is Sahaja-Lakshana, their innate nature and their inborn characteristic.

Agriculture is for living; mind culture is for life. Skills are for shaping material things so that they cater more for the comfort of man; studies are for shaping attitudes, feelings, desires, emotions and impulses of man, so that they may confer more peace, more joy and more fortitude on man.

Egoism will be destroyed, if you constantly tell yourself, 'It is He, not I', 'He is the force, I am but the instrument'. Keep His name always on the tongue, and contemplate His glory whenever you see or hear anything beautiful or grand. See in everyone the Lord Himself moving in that form. Do not talk evil of others; see only good in them. Welcome every chance to help others, to console others and to encourage others along the spiritual path.

Man is suffering because he cannot rid himself of the greed for sense-objects, and sense pleasures, or Vishaya-Vasana. He knows that he has to give up whatever he earns and collects, sooner or later; but yet his attachment waxes instead of waning, as the years go by. If every man on Earth could take with him on death even a handful of mud from the Earth, there would have been nothing much left and mud would have been rationed at so many ounces per head!

You have read that the Lord, melted and moved when one performs acute Thapas, comes and asks softly and sweetly: "My dear child, What is it you need ?" He wants you to express in words what you have yearned for and ask the Lord whom you have brought before you through the exercise of silence. That is the little game He plays. And sometimes He wills that the questioner answers in the way His plan demands.

To cross safely the flood of "Birth-Death-Continuum", the bridge, called Nishta or discipline of an unflinching kind, is essential. It must be a sturdy, safe bridge: or else you will fall into the raging waters and be drawn into the sea, infested with the sharks: Lust and Anger. See how great heroes like Prahlada did not lose their hold on the Lord, in spite of heavy odds. Prahlada never gave up the repetition of the Name of the Lord, though he was tortured, twisted and burnt. One, must have that determination and faith.

Sorrows and disasters are like the clouds that flit across the sky; they cannot injure the blue depths of space. Your duty is just to strive on from this very moment. Do not vacillate or postpone. Who knows when death knocks ? May be, he may knock this very night, this very moment; therefore, do not delay. Do you postpone for tomorrow the dinner of this day ! Feed the spirit as scrupulously as you now feed the body.

You will find that you have craved only for paltry things and for momentary distinctions for fleeting fame; you should cry only for God, for your own cleansing and consummation. You should weep, wailing for the six cobras that have sheltered themselves in your mind, poisoning it with their venom: Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Pride and Malice. Quieten them as the snake-charmer does with his swaying flute. The music, that can take them, is the singing aloud of the Name of God. And when they are too intoxicated to move and harm, catch them by the neck and pull out their fangs as the charmer does. Thereafter they can be your playthings; you can handle them as you please.

If you seek to fulfill low desires, why come here ? Come here only if you seek to earn Grace. Go to a hospital only when you are resolved to take the drug the physician prescribes and go through the regimen he lays down. So, obey the directions that I give, whatever others may say or however difficult they may appear to be. You have not come to Prasanthi Nilayam to please those others. You have to please Me.

Turn the key in the lock to the right, it opens; turn the same key to the left; it is locked. Turn your mind towards the objective World, it is locked, caught, entangled. Turn it to the right away from the objects of the senses; the lock is loosened, you are free and deliverance is at hand. How to turn right? Well, begin with Namasmarana, as the first step. That will itself take you through the second and the third...... to the very goal.

If Liberation means the stoppage of grief and the acquisition of joy, then it is easy. What you have to do is to place all your burdens on God; that makes you grief-free and care-free. Then, when you take everything as the Leela of Lord you love, you clap your hands in Ananda whatever may happen, for it is His Leela and you are as happy as He is, when His plans are going through!

The mind must become the servant of the intellect, not the slave of the senses. It must discriminate and detach itself from the body. Like the ripe tamarind fruit, which, becomes loose inside the shell, it must be unattached to this shell, this casement called body.

Liberation is just the awareness of Truth, the falling off of the scales of delusion from the eye. It is not a suburb of select souls - it is not a closed monopoly of expert Sadhakas. Like the Godavari losing its form, its name and its taste in the sea, Liberation dissolves the name and form, aptitudes and attitudes. You are no more a separate, particular individual.

You are happy, that you have come on a pilgrimage here, but let Me tell you one thing: unless you control the stream of desire that springs in the mind, this is just a wasted opportunity. If your wish is fulfilled, you revere Me; if it is not, you revile Me. That is how Desire debases you. When one wish is fulfilled, ten rise in its place. For there is no dearth of want; the same person has come to Me seeking success at the examination, then a job, then a father-in-law, then a child, then a rise in the salary, a transfer in a cheaper place and a seat in the Medical College for his son - a never ending series of wants, until at last he comes seeking My Grace for an end to worldly pursuits and for initiation into the path of spirituality.

No one can liberate you, for no one has bound you; you hold on to the nettle of worldly pleasures and you weep for pain. The kite is pursued by the crows so long as it carries the fish in its beak, it twists and turns in the sky trying to last and it drops the fish. That moment it is free. So give up the attachment to the senses; then grief and worry can harass you no more.

When you know that thieves have broken into your neighbour's house, you become extra cautious and, every night, before you retire, you examine every lock and bolt in the house. When you know that death has carried away a victim from the house next door, why do you not examine yourselves, whether you are equipped to meet it when it comes for you ? Why do you immerse yourselves in distractions like building houses, piling bank-balances, celebrating picnics and contesting elections. Engage yourselves rather in things that will make you immortal and serve your best interests by service to the World ! Seek your own Reality, That is what a wise man should do.

Remove the vices of lust and hatred, and put out the raging flames of anger and greed, then the innate Santham and Soukhyam and the Swarupam and Sevabhavam of Man, will manifest themselves unhindered. Santham is the Swarupam; and Soukhyam; and is the Swabhavam of man.

The body can be clean if washed with water; speech can be clean if it is saturated in Truth; life can be purified if it is sanctified by Tapas; and the intellect can be cleared of blemish through Jnana. Above all, the conviction that you are not the body only a resident of the body has to grow in you. If you identify yourselves with the body that you carry about with you, you are inviting sorrow and suffering to overwhelm you instead of the joy and peace which are awaiting to bless you.

When the Gita directs you to give up all Dharmas (Set codes of morality), it does not ask you also to give up all Karma (activity): that is to say, you have to do Karma, and, when you do it for God, through God and by God, the Dharma of it does not matter; it has to be acceptable and it is bound to benefit you. The statement is not an invitation to licentiousness or complete inactivity; it is all for dedication and surrender to the highest in Man, viz. God.

Do not admit into your mind the demon of A-santhi. Direct all your cleverness and all your intelligence to the successful execution of the great Drama, in which all of you are taking part at present. It is His Drama. He is the Director, you play a role, an actor carrying out His Will, speaking the words that He put in your mouth and making movements as directed by Him.

The experience of this one life must be enough to show you that there is no joy unmixed with grief, that both grief and joy are short-lived and they both depend on the mind and its control. You do not require the experience of a series of lives to grasp this patent fact. This World is keeping you in bondage; it is a prison from which you must get released; and you should not plan to return to it again and again.

The eye which is scarce two inches long can see millions of miles into space, but is incapable of seeing itself ! Man too is as shrewd and as weak as the eye. He can analyze others' motives, count others' faults and map out others' skills and capacities, but he is powerless to analyze himself, his feelings and his emotions. Unwilling to discover his own faults, he cannot assess his innate skill and realize his inner reality ! But the power can be acquired if you keep company with Sadhakas (aspirants for spiritual progress), not otherwise.

Man thinks himself that he knows everything but, when asked about himself, he hangs down his head in shame. Man knows the news of every land, but he is ignorant of the nuisance that he himself is to himself and others. He is moving in darkness but yearning for Ananda. He does not know the means of securing Ananda: Prayer, Seva, Study of Spiritual Texts, Meditation and Silence. He has no face that he is Ananda and that Ananda is his own nature. He is blown off by calamity, for he has no strength to withstand the blow. Faith in the God within is the toughest shield against the thrusts of Fate.

When you do not accept the insult some one casts on you, it goes back to the person who indulged in it first; a registered letter that is not accepted returns to the sender. Do not damage your mental peace by receiving the letter and reading the contents. Refuse to receive it. You have a chance of correcting the wrong-doers too; accept it and join the gang of mischief-makers. So be warned!

WHEN you pray for a thing from God, you run the risk of condemning Him, if for some reasons the Prayer is not answered the way you want it to be or as quickly as you want it. This contingency arises because you feel that God is an outsider, staying in some Heaven or holy spot, far away from you. God is in you, God is in every word of yours, every deed and every thought. Speak, do and think as befits Him. Do the duty that He has allotted to you to the best of your ability and to the satisfaction of your conscience. That is the most rewarding Puja.

WHEN you stand before another, his image is in your eye and your image is in his; have you not observed this? You are in Him, I am in you: that is the Truth this phenomenon proclaims. When you believe in this, and when you cultivate Love, Humility, Reverence for Life and Tolerance, you are on the Right Path. When you are not on this Path, that is to say, when you are traveling left, you are certainly left out when it is a question of sharing Divine Grace.

I KNOW many parents who dote on their children and admire them when they learn the bad habits of gambling or drinking! They do not curb them when they swagger about in the bazaars, teasing and bullying those who pass by. They do not instill into the young minds the attitude of reverence towards property belonging to others. As a consequence, their children land themselves in trouble and, then, the parents repent and curse themselves for their unpardonable foolishness.

IF the parent is a drunkard, a gambler and a cheat, no amount of textbook ethics can cure the sons. I like children and the young innocence. I will not allow them to be blamed. The fault lies wholly on the shoulders of the elders, the parents, and the leaders who shape the norms which they imbibe.

CLEANSE your emotions, passions, impulses, attitudes, and reactions. That is the essence of spiritual discipline as laid down in all Faiths. Examine your mind, your thoughts; do not seek the fault ridden person. Seek only purity; speak ill of none. Do not humiliate anyone; respect him for the good in him. Their grief at your behaviour will haunt you during your last moments.

LIFE is a mosaic of pleasure and pain - grief is an interval between two moments of joy. Peace is the interlude between two wars. You have no rose without a thorn; the diligent picker will avoid the pricks and gather the flower. There is no bee without the sting; cleverness consists in gathering the honey nevertheless. Troubles and travails will haunt you but you must not allow them to deflect you from the path of duty and dedication.

IF you feel you must have something to be happy, pray to God: "God, you have the responsibility to keep me healthy, happy, good and intelligent; give me this thing which I believe is necessary for my happiness; but, if you think I am wrong, give me whatever you think best". God will never desert His obligation. He will feed you and foster you.

WOMEN preserve the culture of this country with greater tenacity and faith. They keep men on the moral path and inspire them to follow spiritual discipline. Their hearts are tender and full of compassion for the hungry and the distressed. That is why in this land, women are adored and revered.

THOSE who deny God, the Supreme Will or the First Cause, can give no real satisfactory justification for their stand; nor can those who assert that there is God. Both have to rely on their own experience. After all, how can sweetness be denied by one who refuses to taste sugar? How can one be convinced that sugar is sweet until one tastes it? We have to feel the great marvel of energy, manipulating both, the minutest atom and cell and the vastest, most distant star. How else can we understand the Omnipresence and Omnipotence, except by accepting God as the Architect of the Cosmos?

Follow the call of the Divine arising from the hearts of all living beings. Serve them in an attitude of worship, not expecting something in return. Do not accept even gratitude, having dedicated all your acts to the indwelling God. This will purify you so that you shall be able to listen to the "Soham" that your breath repeats every moment. "Soham" transmutes itself into OM when the distinction between He and I has dissolved itself in the process of 'Samadhi'.

The very first lesson of the Primer of the spiritual text is "Control of Speech". Speech is the armament of man; other animals have fleetness of foot, sharpness of claw, fang, horn, tusk, beak and talon. But man has sweetness of Speech which can disarm all opposition and defeat all the designs of hatred. Sweetness makes you "Pasupathi" - Divine; harshness makes you "Pasu" - bestial. Mere outward politeness or sweetness is hipocrisy ! Sincere speech must flow from real sweetness of heart, a heart full of love. Remove all evil from the Manasarovar, the pellucid lake of your Mind, and make it a fit abode of Godhead.

Every man desires to acquire Ananda. From where can Ananda be acquired ? Faith alone can win Ananda. Peace can be got only through Faith; Faith is the spring of Joy. But now we see Sorrow, wherever we cast our eyes. Why does this happen ? Because, man has lost Faith. He has no Faith in himself. How then can he acquire Ananda ? How can a person, how has not got Faith enough to live happily for a few days, win the Grace of God ?

At present, everyone is after Sukha. The hunt for comfortable jobs and positions of influence, the founding of banks and business-houses, the growth of bungalows - all this is evidence of the eagerness to live in happiness. But there is no eagerness to live in Santhi. Sukha is confused with Santhi. Sukha is taken to be the same as Santhi. No one of the rich or well placed or prosperous or powerful has Santhi. You can investigate and find out for yourselves the truth of this. Santhi is not found in the Pass-Book or many-roomed bungalows or godowns or iron safes. Your whole attitude is topsy-turvy.

Go straight along the path of Karma and Dharma towards Brahma; this is your destiny. Karma has to be done; there is no turning away. Each has his allotted task, according to the status, taste, tendency and earned merit. Do it, with the fear of God and of sin, deep in your heart. Welcome pain and grief; so that you take both success and failure as hammer-strokes to shape you into a sturdy Sadhaka. Inner contentment is more important than outer prosperity.

FRIENDSHIP must serve as lids for the eye, as sandals for the feet. The friend must be "another Me". He must experience, in equal depth, the joy and the grief of the other. Friends must be like milk and water. Let Me elaborate this example. When milk, into which some quantity of water is poured, is placed on a burning stove, the water goes off as steam. The milk laments the separation and boils over. Then, the only way to keep it calm, is to sprinkle a spoon or two of water; its friend is back and it is happy. Milk cannot tolerate separation from its friend.

YOUR friends today attach themselves not to you but to your purse or to some advantage they can gain through your father's kindness. When your purse is empty or when your father is no longer in power, they bid you good-bye. Friends who drag one away into evil habits and vicious deeds, are prowling around in search of victims.

Be in the world like a maid servant in a rich man's house. The maid servant deals with all the objects and things always knowing that nothing belongs to her and that this is not her true home.

Those who seek to know God must steel themselves to bear insult, injury and torture, with a smile.